Hair Loss Treatment in Turkey​

Hair transplant surgery is renowned for being expensive, with some prices up to £25,000 for each hair transplant session. This may be one of the biggest reasons of the $1 billion business in Turkey.

Hair Loss Treatment in Turkey​

Hair loss treatment is particularly popular with men, who believe a head with full hair and a nicely trimmed moustache or beard are strong signs of manliness and respect. This belief even has place in some religions, as idolizing prophets and mimicking their lifestyle accepted as a good thing.

How come it is cheaper to have hair loss treatment in Turkey?

Many hair loss clinics like Welfare Abroad can provide the hair transplant in Turkey cheaply because overhead costs like estate rent and salaries are very low. The currency exchange difference is also an advantage for the patients from abroad.

For the mentioned reasons, depending on the type of hair loss involved, the best solution is usually a hair loss treatment in Turkey or just a PRP therapy which can be combined with hair transplant.

A custom treatment plan can be implemented from the comfort of one’s own home. With Welfare Abroad’s latest assessment techniques, the patient can even see an illustration of approximate coverage. In this way, patients from abroad can avoid travelling for professional advice.

The procedure, called follicular unit extraction, FUE technique, is relatively straightforward: a hair specialist extracts up to 5,000 grafts (depending on the size of the area that needs coverage) from the back of the head, where hair is thicker and immune to hormones that mainly cause the hair loss, and inserts them into tiny incisions elsewhere in the scalp.

Hair loss treatment in Turkey is not only good for their cheaper prices, but the results are also proven as one of the best around the World.

So, it seems that Turks have found a very good way to combine their popularity in tourism with hair loss solutions.

If you are also looking for a hair loss treatment in Turkey.

You may get a free assessment to learn your options by sending your pictures to Welfare Abroad hair specialists.

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